Sunday, January 1, 2012

Pleasure Overload!! Pleasure Overload?!

First off Happy New Year to any one who may come across this post. If your a fan of fighting games, you have to admit that 2011 was one of the best years ever. So many reboots to titles that many of us never thought we'd see. Dreams were finally realized and hopes were fulfilled in Hurricane punches and berserker claw madness. It wasn't so long ago when Street Fighter reemerged with a new title and was received with open arms. It was around that time I embraced the ability to play online and many like myself were all but mystified that they now had an opportunity to go up against human players anytime they felt ready.

Why this phenomenon didn't catch on sooner I'll never understand. Its not like these things were not available on the previous consoles. I guess there is just something about a next-gen system and a reboot that just reinvigorates the masses and invites them to come back and play again. While some of us relive old times, others are introduced to this genre that is bringing a new way to play for a new generation.  I can say without a doubt we have now reached the apex of fighting game uphoria but there is something a bit unsettling about this feeling.

Within a year we saw two different versions of the same game, two different franchises reemerged from the proverbial ash, and two games fought to stay fresh in the minds of gamers. After all, this is a genre that has gone stale before and no fan of this genre ever wants it to go away again. While technology brings endless possibilities to light, like the streaming of major fighting game competitive tournaments and updates promising balance and fixes, it all feels a little bit daunting.

This year sparks another influx of fighting game pleasure for those who are willing to seek it.  I tend to hesitate this time around in welcoming them with open arms for you see I am content with what I have now. Fighting games are unique from other genres because they require a longer period of time to master. Action games like Batman Arkhum Asylum can be played to where in a few weeks you may find yourself taking down bad guys without getting a single scratch.  This does not work the same way when it comes to the mastery of a fighting game.

Fighting game characters can take months and possibly even years before a player becomes well versed in executing picture perfect game play. The need for human vs human combat significantly adds to the continuous need to train your favorite characters to perfection leading to hours upon hours of training -- vigorous training and multiple gaming sessions. With such a deep amount of commitment involved with these games its really a wonder how we could ever have a need for more in such a short amount of time.

Its almost like we've gotten what we asked for but we didn't really know what exactly we were asking for and now its to late the time has arrived and the influx of new titles has already started to come in. Skull Girls,a fighting game co-created by an individual who has a love for fighting games more deeply then many of us claim to have, promises to provide what hardcore fighting games fans have desired for eons.  The question that comes to mind for its creators is one that only those who are anticipating several other titles coming up this year can answer -- what do I want to play next.

Unlike a few years ago, we now have choices.  The technology is at a level that we can enjoy what we already have several times over and it can be refreshed once it starts to get stale. Super Street Fighter IV has proved this time and time again with its latest updates promising character tweaks and new character add-ons. Not only do you have the new titles to contend with but the old titles as well.

At one point in time, I would have said bring it! Give me as much as you can give because like many I'm starving for something new and improved. I believe that at this point and time I'm getting my wish but I can't help wondering all of sudden if its to much to ask for. I guess by the end of this year I'll know for sure.