Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Damage Is Done: Publishers Abandoning Their Fighting Games To The Nether Realm!!

There was excitement in the air when game developers Nether Realm Studios, creators of the popular Mortal Kombat series, announced they were over hauling their original netkode with Mortal Kombat X to take advantage of the popular roll back technology fighting gamers clamored for...before, during, and after the game released.

"They are finally coming to the light", I thought given the fact that Street Fighter V is soon on its way and they will have to do everything in their power to keep players interested in playing MKX once the giant awakes from its resting place in February.

Amidst the excitement, something did discern me though. I noticed the absence of the PC/Steam logo among the two consoles something I was quick to shrug off as a "not a priority" thing. I would soon learn that this was much more severe then that.

The "what about the PC" chants made their way around different social media outlets all the while Nether Realms seemed to remain silent until one day a simple answer was given to the justifiable "what is going on" question.

Community specialist Tyler Lansdown would finally reveal the worst stating all the new things they had planned for Mortal Kombat X as of this moment would be Xbox One and Playstation 4 only...not much of a shocker but very depressing none the less.

There has not been any real reasons given for the abandonment of a game that many people payed the exact same price for on PC. It has been known for some time that the PC version did have its has also been known that publisher WB interactive entertainment has had problems with porting their other games to PC as well but to completely ignore the collective fan base of their PC consumers is, without a second thought, a very huge insult.

And dear old Ed Boon who promised that there would be no issues with the PC has remained silent not even offering an earnest apology to the MK PC community. He continues to advertise for the new content for console owners all the while as if nothing happened, that to me feels like the biggest slap in the face.

In all honesty, I'll get over this pretty quickly. Street Fighter V will be here in just a few more weeks and their PC build has played great in comparison to the MKX one...they seem to give a fuck.

We can also hope the Killer Instinct version will not be a let down as well and I'm sure MK fans will find certain similarities when it comes to that game. I can be optimistic and hope that maybe Nether Realms Studios and WB interactive entertainment will make things right but I can already tell that many may have sworn off both companies for the foreseeable future.

Either way it goes we can pretty much call the relationship between them and the PC consumers a fatality and it is my opinion given the climate of where the PC may be in a few years they may just regret this decision to abandon their player base on the PC.