Friday, July 13, 2012


Starting a website dedicated to info about fighting games online definitely has to be one of the best ideas I've ever conceived in my tiny little brain.  Ever since the sites inception, a whole new world of streams, fighting game tournaments, and most importantly fighting games have encouraged me to be a apart of this community known popularly today as the FGC.   

I had a positive out look in the beginning and I'm very happy to see folks coming to the site not just from here in the states but from all over the world....all over the world who could ever think that would be possible..anyway its realizations like these and other things that has encouraged me to take the next step.

For a long time, I have been using squidoo a great site that allows you to create blog like formats for any interests you may think other individuals may take an interest in. Its been a wonderful place and it has allowed me to add a great deal of content. It has been a great place from me to flesh all of my ideas out and has even been a catalyst for things I honestly never thought to add to the site.

As of now, I think its time for more and in the coming months I will be taking all the knowledge that I've attained about Fighting Games Online and moving it to a brand new website. will be the new location and it was quite fitting that I was able to acquire this domain it will fit perfectly to what I have been already providing to the original site on squidoo. 

Taken this step is going to give me a bigger format. I'm going to have a lot more playground so to speak so that means a lot more information. No longer will it just be held to one page. With the new site you will be able to navigate a lot more freely and even more information will be available than before for each section and each game I add. 

I plan to do a better job of giving you more content. Youtube is such a great resource and its definitely been a huge help in regards to adding video content. I plan to use Youtube further but I will be providing more of my own video content which I think you will find highly informative and very helpful in getting you setup to play and enjoy fighting games online.

Last but not least and most importantly I want to create a forum. I do this in hopes that a community will surface so that many of you have a way of finding more people that are interested in the fighting games that you enjoy. So many possibilities come to mind when I think about community, match making and trouble shooting are just two examples I believe will be the most beneficial. My hope is that we can raise more awareness for some of the games that are classics and still wonderful to play. Even though new games continue to come in all the time their are still so many lost gems that could use a few dedicated players. 

My vision for this new place is grandiose to say the least. I'm hoping that many of you coming to this barren wasteland of a blog will join me when I finally unveil this site unto the masses. For now you can still check out the original site and get excited about the possibilities for what I have planned on for the new one. I promise not to disappoint. Even if it may seem some what of a tall order, I'm passionate about this project and I want to put my best foot forward I hope that you will see that once it is all said and done.