Monday, February 16, 2015

The Difficulty With Standing Still

It has never been a question that fighting game communities are some of the most dedicated players around. Constant arguments about the more superior fighting games get debated to a debilitating degree especially when the new kids come to town threatening to chase the old guard away.

I've never quite gotten into the "one competitive fighting game to rule them all" predicament that has seemed to make some of those who carry this mindset alienated when there aren't enough players to carry the banner for their game.

I tend to disagree with this mindset but have come to understand it even more so after last week. Running a website that dedicates its' self to the many fighting games that can now be played online, I often get very engaged in the communities who are committed to running weekly tournaments for their favorite games of choice.

One game in particular, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, has a few players still giving it their support. I personally only delved into this game primarily to review it for the website but it was never my intention to let go of it completely as it was a great experience for the time I played it.

With a tournament coming up that week, I decided to sign up and dedicate a few days of training to the game. Despite the effort I made it was,to a greater extent, useless. I was completely and utterly decimated during casual play and met the same fate during the tournament itself.

After feeling the crushing defeat, it made me reevaluate my decision to sign up in the first place. It wasn't necessarily the fact that I lost it was more so the fact I haven't taken the time to play the game and I knew I wasn't going to after the tournament was over.

I got caught up in the camaraderie of those within the community which often happens with every community I cover. Wanting to be apart of it is natural especially when you're seeing the enjoyment their having but I have to be realistic, I wasn't really ready to be fully apart of it.

In a week or so I will be starting my descent into a game that just so happens to be made by the same company. That game is Under Night In-Birth:EXE Late.  My anticipation for this game has been a long one and I'm excited to see what it has to offer. I unfortunately can't say that I will dedicate more than a month to it because ultimately there are more games to cover.

I love fighting games as a whole I have my favorite which is The King Of Fighters franchise  but that doesn't mean I'm not excited about the other fighting games that are available either. The biggest difficulty I've been faced with is simply just standing still.

From now on, I need to pick two fighting games that I enjoy and stick with them even if that means missing out on others I would love to enjoy competing with the various communities out there but giving that my skills are not quite where I'd like them to be, jumping in and out of different games when the urge hits just isn't wise. I'm still trying to figure out when is the right time to move on but for now, I've learned that despite the feeling of excitement and involvement that I see with each community, it is best as my mom puts it to "keep my body quiet" until I feel I'm ready to really commit time to playing the game. 

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