Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Is The Look More Important Than The Feel?!: Comparing Gameplay To Aesthetics

The King Of Fighters series has most definitely had its ups and downs. As a fan of the series, I'm not at all ashamed to say that I chose to stay away from certain games in the series specifically the ones that got away from the traditional 2D art style that I was accustomed to.

During The King Of Fighters XIII's most celebrated time period here in the U.S., you could almost imagine that it would be enjoying many more years to come but as time moved on things became clear that players would do the same as well.

There are plenty of reasons I could give that attribute to SNK Playmore's official buy out but I'd rather focus on the present concerns at hand,The King Of Fighters XIV.  Like many fans, I was vehement about there being a KOFXIV stating that having a next game in the series would be much better than having nothing. It would seem like many would get their wish, just not quite the way they may have hoped for.

It was expected that the series would forgo its 2D roots in an effort to cut production time and create more assets then the previous offering. After all, the pain stalking process of "Dot Art", while greatly appreciated by fans, hurt them in the long run when they first introduced it in KOFXII a game that was highly criticized for its lack of features among other trivial complaints. 

When the announcement for the latest game in the series hit my radar, there was no doubt excitement but only a few minutes later, that excitement would turn to utter disappointment. Having a background in computer animation made this an even harder pill to swallow. I've never had a reason to critique the release of a game title, none the less a fighting game one and I just couldn't stop picking at all of its faults.

With each trailer that popped up, it was apparent that KOFXIV was not going to be on par with what the current gen has to offer and to me that is what hurts the most. While my feelings towards this title have been nothing but negative, others fight to defend the next entry by providing evidence of minor improvements and footage comparisons to the previous offering.

While I'm still at odds with the game aesthetics, my feelings about the game play are neutral. The comparisons with KOFXIII have definitely helped my view of the game as it seems to stay within the same pacing. It lets me know that while KOFXIV may not have the stylish look that I enjoyed previously it will still retain the feeling which may transfer over to the game play as well. 

Next week, as players get a chance to go hands on with the title at Playstation Experience, we will know some what where this game stands. As we are still clueless as to the exact release date which happens to be coming next year, there is still hope that strides can be made but in my mind their not enough to satiate the new players being introduced to the series. 

There is no doubt that some games can look quite awesome and make you contemplate the end of your existence...during game play at least. It could be that KOFXIV will successfully maintain what ultimately makes this series distinguishable from the rest but the questions remains at what cost. 

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